Career Advice Blog

Retired? Bored Already?

Retired? Bored Already? Maybe it is time for your Second ActAccording to a study conducted by the U.S. Census, the average life expectancy of a human in 2060 will be around 85 years old.  If the average age that people retire continues to hover around 65, this means...

True Confessions of a Career Counselor

True Confessions of a Career Counselor  The day I bombed an interviewLet me set the stage for you.  I’m in my second year of grad school.  After changing my mind about “What to do with my life” twenty-five times before deciding to get my master’s in education (AND...

An Open Letter to My College Major

An Open Letter to My College MajorDear Communication Studies Major, When I graduated from high school I felt a lot of pressure to pick you.  Well not you specifically, but a college major.  When people asked me, "What are you studying in college?"  I didn't want to...

Don’t Quiet Quit

Don't Quiet Quit  Resign to redesignWhen I first heard the term “quiet quitting,” scenes from the movie Office Space started playing in my head.  Upon further research, I learned that according to an NPR article, “quiet quitting is not outright quitting your job.  It...

Job Searching is Hard

Finding a Job is Hard  Get some help Job searching stinks.  No one really likes it and, honestly, that's why I have a job 😉.  The only people who get super pumped by the thought of a job search are career coaches, and that’s why you should use a career coach as a...

Taking the Leap

Taking the Leap  Is getting a new job terrifying or exciting? I'm in my favorite coffee shop listening to a pair of experienced and successful female business owners give advice to another pair of new female business owners.  It is clear the new pair are still...

Finding a Job is Like Dating

Finding a Job is Like Dating  Let's find your match "I've been dating since I was 15.  I'm exhausted.  Where is he?" – Charlotte York, Sex and the City "I've been looking for a job for two years and nothing has panned out.  I'm exhausted.  Why won't someone hire me?"...

Declutter Your LinkedIn Network

Declutter Your LinkedIn Network How to use your LinkedIn network to find the right people to support your job searchI don't like "stuff".  A cluttered home or office gives me anxiety and therefore I do not like to keep things around that are not functional.  My...

Job Searching is Hard

Job Searching is Hard Get some help.Job searching stinks.  No one really likes it and, honestly, that's why I have a job.  The only people who get super pumped by the thought of a job search are career coaches, and this is why you should use a career coach as a...

An Open Letter to a Terrible Job

An Open Letter to a Terrible JobDear Terrible Job, I'm writing to inform you that I don't miss you, but I am very very very grateful for you.  When we met back in 2008, I had big dreams.  I dreamt of becoming a film editor working for a huge production company in...


I’m Lauren

I am a marathon running, animal loving, world exploring career coach. I have always loved running, animals, and traveling but I did not always see myself working in this profession. The road that led me here was windy, rocky, and bumpy but that did not take away from the beauty of my journey. I would value the opportunity to be a part of your journey, and I hope this blog can serve as a way to provide you with a few career tips to make your journey smoother than my own.  Happy reading!


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