Finding a Job is Hard 

Get some help 

Job searching stinks.  No one really likes it and, honestly, that’s why I have a job 😉.  The only people who get super pumped by the thought of a job search are career coaches, and that’s why you should use a career coach as a resource to help you.

I’ve seen varying statistics but in general it takes three to six months to find a job.  The process begins with a search and ends when you walk through the door on your first day.  Between those two events, the amount of work on the job seeker’s part is gargantuan.  You should begin the process by using multiple job search engines to search various job titles on each site to make sure you are covering all your bases.  You should also search for open positions on individual company websites because your dream job might not even be posted to a search engine.  Oh, and network… do not forget about networking.  This includes face to face communication and posting on professional platforms like LinkedIn and perhaps Instagram depending on your industry.  Once you have finally found that perfect opportunity, it is time to update your resume, LinkedIn, and cover letter.  You have to tailor your resume and cover letter to each (yes, each) application that you submit.  It is going to require a lot of research to make sure your resume and cover letter are in line with what your future employer is looking for. Furthermore, do not forget about keywords.  Make sure you are utilizing every possible keyword.

Once you have landed an interview, it is time to research that specific company and your specific role even more thoroughly.  You should practice answering questions and take an inventory of your past experiences to identify key talking points during the interview.  Salary research is also a good process to start during the interview phase because you want to put your best foot forward when you get to the negotiation stage.  You will know exactly how to articulate your value because you already addressed it in the interview. Phewwwwww.  That was a lot.  And you must do this for each job application, each networking conversation, and each interview.  This extensive list is why you need help.

I have a solution.  If you are the type of person who enjoys learning independently, please consider registering for my virtual asynchronous Find Your Next Job Course. This course includes 10 lessons taught by yours truly :), one coaching consultation, and access to an online job search resource library.  By completing this course, job seekers will learn how to:

  • Explore your skills, strengths, values, and interests.
  • Define your next step.
  • Design a job searching and networking strategy.
  • Create effective marketing tools like a resume and LinkedIn profile.
  • Nail your interview and
  • Negotiate like a pro.

Sound like something that might interest you?  Click here to learn more:

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